Compiled Financial Statements (with or without footnote disclosures) - A compilation is the lowest level of service. We merely present your financial information in the form of financial statements. We don't do any procedures to be sure that the underlying information is correct.
Reviewed Financial Statements - This intermediate step between a compilation and an audit provides some assurance to the user. The additional procedures for a review include evaluating accounting controls to be sure the system should produce statements that are materially correct and a review of the statements against industry standards and company history. Our report gives a limited assurance to the user.
Audited Financial Statements - When nothing else will do. This is the highest level of assurance on the financial information. In addition to the review procedures above, an audit will include tests of the accounting records to see that the system produced accurate information. In addition, the existence and valuation of assets will be tested.
Regardless of the level of service your bank or regulator requires, Gassler & Company can meet your needs.
Sooner or later, most businesses will get a request for financial statements where the company's internal statements just won't do. Certified Public Accountants can provide statements for external use which give varying levels of assurance to the user. At Gassler & Company, we can provide statements to meet your needs.
Specialized Statements and Procedures
The services above are meant to result in financial statements for a company or organization. Sometimes the standard financial statements are not sufficient or won't get the desired result. At Gassler & Company, we can perform other types of engagements. Projected financial statements, the detailed investigation of one part of a company's financial records, or forensic-type accounting are all areas where we can provide help for your company or organization.